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Urban Insight rapport: zet klimaatverandering in als katalysator

De implementatie van klimaatadaptatieplannen in Europa kán worden versneld, door klimaatverandering in te zetten als katalysator voor duurzame (her-)ontwikkeling van de stad. Dit stelt Sweco in haar nieuwste Urban Insight rapport 'Planning for climate adaptation'.



Accelerating urban adaptation

- Four trends and challenges of urban climate adaptation

- Trend 1: Governance Challenges

- Trend 2: Tools for People, Planet, Profit

- Trend 3: Innovation & Experimentation

- Trend 4: The Smart, Resilient City

Building best practices for adaptation planning

- Stronger together: Networks for adaptation governance

- Policy instruments for new urban developments

- Adaptation across standards and guidelines

- Planning support tools

- Foster funding and resource flexibility

Conclusion and reflections

About the authors


